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Caption:Chile, Easter Island, Tongariki. Three of the fifteen colossal stone statues or moais of Tongariki silhouetted against the light of the rising moon. The moais stand on their platform or ahu on the eastern coast of the island at the foot of the Poike Peninsula. Ahu Tongariki is the largest platform on the island at over 200m in length and has the most maois. Some are 10 metres tall. The vast majority of Easter Island's 800+ moais were chiselled out of the volanic tuff on the side of Rano Raraku between 700-1500AD. Wall Mural - Related Terms: Chile, Easter Island, Rapa Nui, Moai, Tongariki, Ahu, Antiquity, Ancient Monument, Historical Site, Statue, Ceremonial Platform, Figure, Stone Carving, Pacific Ocean, Pacific Island, Ancestor, Cultural Tourism, Shore, Coast, Moonrise, Evening, Night,

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